Beauty sleep is more than just a saying. A lack of sleep affects your body in many ways. It decreases your reaction times, impairs your cognitive functions, and also impacts the health of your skin. Most people don’t get as much sleep as they should. It is important to prioritize your sleep to prevent these problems from occurring.
REM Stages
Getting a few hours of sleep at a time is not adequate for your body, even if the hours add up to 8. You need a full night’s rest to fully complete the REM sleep cycles. Each stage in the cycle does different things for your body. During one stage, melatonin is produced. During another stage, cortisol levels are lowered. Another stage helps reduce toxins in your body. These stages work in conjunction with each other, which is why it is important to get enough sleep to complete the cycle.
Stress Levels
A lack of sleep mimics the body’s natural response to stress. Sleep helps reduce cortisol levels which ultimately reduces stress levels. When you’re not getting enough sleep, your body reacts exactly how it would when under stress. Skin conditions are often aggravated and breakouts may occur.
Skin Problems Caused By Lack of Sleep
Skin cells regenerate while we sleep. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body may accelerate the aging process. This can lead to wrinkles, dehydrated skin, large pores, redness, and bags under the eyes.
What to Do Before Bed
To maximize the benefits of sleep, it is important to maintain a regular routine. This will teach your body when it is time to sleep. Try to avoid screens and blue lights for 90 minutes before bedtime. Wash your face before bed to wash off the oil and dirt of the day.
Sleep is important for your health and your appearance. Prioritizing sleep can help eliminate a variety of problems with your skin. It may be necessary to see a doctor if you have continuous problems with your sleep. To address concerns with your skin, contact us at Intermountain Aesthetics MD Spa today!