There are several steps that you should take following a Botox treatment in order to make the most of your treatment. However, there are also many actions that should be avoided for the same purpose. When you understand the do’s and don’ts of your Botox, you can take the appropriate steps to ensure that you optimize your results. Here are some important do’s and don’ts of Botox.
The Do’s of Botox
When you follow the appropriate steps after receiving Botox treatment, you can ensure that you get the best results, as well as ensure that they last for as long as possible. There are beneficial steps both prior to your Botox treatment and following the treatment. Here are some of the do’s of Botox to help you maximize your results.
Find an Expert
It is important to ensure that you obtain Botox treatments only from an expert. Don’t settle for less professional treatment due to cost. If you are going to spend the money on a Botox treatment, it is important to ensure that you get the best outcome for your treatment. Finding an expert is an important component of optimizing your Botox treatment.
Stay Upright
After your appointment, you should ensure that you stay upright for several hours. This will help to prevent unintentional spread of the Botox into unintended muscles. When you remain upright, you can prevent the blood from circulating in a different way. This can help to ensure that the effects of your Botox treatment will remain for as long as possible.
Ask Questions
Feel free to ask as many questions as you want prior to your Botox treatment. The more information you have about your treatment, the better equipped you will be to care for yourself after the treatment. This can go a long way toward optimizing your results and ensuring that you obtain the best possible treatment.
Be Patient
It can be tempting to panic immediately after the treatment because you aren’t seeing the results that you want. However, it is important to remember that in general, results won’t fully come in until approximately 5 days after the treatment. It can even take up to 2 weeks for results to finalize. Wait at least this time frame before worrying about the final appearance of your Botox treatment.
The Don’ts of Botox
There are many benefits to Botox treatments. However, it is important to ensure that you take the steps to optimize your results. There are several actions that you may be unaware of that can negatively impact the outcome of your Botox treatment. Understanding what actions to avoid will go a long way toward preventing negative side effects of your Botox treatment. Here are a few of the don’ts of Botox that should be avoided before and after your treatment.
It can be tempting to self-medicate prior to your Botox appointment, especially if you are concerned about any pain or discomfort that the treatment may cause. However, you should refrain from taking Ibuprofen or other pain medications prior to your treatment. When you take these medications prior to your treatment, it is likely that you will increase the risk of bruising from the treatment. Avoid taking any of these medications and consult with us regarding any topical creams or treatments that can help minimize discomfort following your Botox treatment.
Exercise Immediately After
Botox doesn’t result in downtime, unlike many other treatments. However, it is important to ensure that you take care of yourself following your treatment. You shouldn’t put your body through any strenuous activity or engage in something that can significantly raise your body temperature. Avoid exercising strenuously immediately following your Botox appointment. This can help aid your body in recovery and avoid prolonging recovery time.
Apply Makeup Immediately
While you may be able to wear light makeup after your Botox treatment, it is often best to avoid wearing makeup for several hours following your treatment. Introducing foreign substances to the treated region tends to result in an increased risk of infection. When you take the steps to keep the area clean and clear of foreign substances, like makeup, you will be able to prevent infections from arising. Follow any instructions regarding the appropriate care of your skin to prevent infections.
Excessive Sun Exposure
Try to avoid excessive exposure to the sun immediately after your Botox treatment. The skin surrounding the treated area is likely to be highly sensitive after the treatment and may be more susceptible to damage from the sun. In addition, sunburns will divert the body’s resources from healing the treated area, so sun exposure can prolong recovery time. Take care to protect your skin from the sun and avoid harmful UV rays.
Touch the Area
It is important to avoid touching the area after your treatment. This is for multiple reasons. For one thing, when you touch the area, you are allowing bacteria and oil from your fingers to transfer onto the area. This can result in an increased risk of infection. In addition to this, you should avoid rubbing or massaging the treated muscles, even if they feel stiff or uncomfortable. When you inadvertently rub these muscles, it can cause the Botox to spread to an unintended area. This often causes results to not last as quickly as they otherwise might. When you avoid touching the area, it is likely that the body will heal more quickly and you will obtain a better outcome.
Here at Intermountain Aesthetics MD Spa, we are passionate about providing you with the services that you need to optimize the health of your skin. Our expert team is capable of providing high-quality Botox services that will optimize your results. Understanding these do’s and don’ts of Botox can go a long way toward minimizing the likelihood of substantial issues following your treatment. To obtain more information about the various treatments that we offer, as well as the best ways to care for your skin following Botox, contact our experienced team at Intermountain Aesthetics MD Spa today!